Construction Costing & Estimation - Consultancy support during building works
Expert advice to guide your development - Available on all building works, and all types of construction.
We understand as a client it can be very difficult to establish sensible projected build costs without expending large sums of money on site investigations and detailed designs.
At Fytche-Taylor, we offer a full range of cost consultancy services that are based around the methods main contractors use when assessing the viability of any development. These are specifically designed to offer you the best advice, and ensure that your project gets off to the best possible start.
Services that we provide include:

Viability / feasibility report
- What is it?
An initial high level financial viability assessment of your proposed scheme based on projected construction costs using historical rates from similar schemes. - Purpose:
To identify any potential risks and assess if a scheme is financially viable prior to expending further design fees/ site surveys and investigation costs. - What is typically included?
- Desk top site investigation
- Estimated construction costs
- Estimated design / survey fees
- Identification of early project risks
- Headline programme
Detailed cost plan
- What is it?
A more detailed cost plan based on a basic schedule of works and budget rates bespoke to the scheme. - Purpose:
To gain a more accurate construction price which can be used as a further sense check and to inform required design / scope changes (Value engineering) to ensure the scheme is achievable within budget prior to engaging with main contractors. (Avoiding a value engineering exercise controlled by the main contractor which can result in less cost efficiency). - What is typically included?:
All the elements of the feasibility report, plus:
- Site visit / appraisalProduction of a detailed cost plan report bespoke to the development
- Construction Programme
- Any areas of potential value engineering (cost saving)
- Client meeting to discuss the viability check and discuss next step

Produce a detailed Bill of Quantities (schedule of works)
- What is it?
A full detailed schedule of work, covering every activity on site required to complete your development. - Purpose:
- This will allow clients to obtain detailed quotes by running a tender exercise where contractors bid for the work based on the agreed schedule of works.
- Can be used to produce cash flows forecasts
- Assists in quote comparison
- Assists with valuations/adds and omits during the construction (cost control) - What is typically included?:
- A full bill of quantities bespoke to your scheme
- A list of outstanding design information required for construction
- A review of any project risks
- Any areas of potential value engineering (cost saving)
- Detailed Construction Programme
Everything you need, in one place - Most of our projects are managed in-house from start to finish, giving our clients the peace of mind in dealing with us at every stage, from the earliest planning advice, then preparing planning applications and detailed site plans including full architectural design, followed by the post-planning support with the Building Regulations process and then the estimation and on-site construction management works.
We are equally happy to provide, and often do, any individual part of the construction cycle - so even if you haven’t used us to get your planning permission of complete your site design work, our costing and estimation services are available to keep the delivery of your building project on track.
So whatever you are planning – get in touch and plan it with us! Contact 01522 581383 or email [email protected] for an initial conversation.

Meet Ben Taylor...
Ben has spent over 17 years working in the ‘pre-construction’ phase of the construction industry for Main Contractors in the Lincolnshire region. During this time Ben has gained valuable experience in Tender appraisals, Completing and reviewing budget cost plans, feasibility studies and bills of quantities, plus managing the ‘pre-construction’ phase – identifying and mitigating areas of risk and identifying potential cost savings. Read more and contact Ben...
Ben Taylor Principal Costs Consultant