Site Promotion – Call for Sites and Local Plan Reviews

Professional representation to promote your land or property for development

If you are a landowner with a site that you think may have the potential for future development, Fytche-Taylor Planning can advise you on the options available to you.

Call 01522 581383 to get started.

Development Sites in Lincolnshire
Building plot Lincolnshire
Land promotion and submission of sites for Call for Sites and Local Plan reviews

Fytche-Taylor's experienced team have an excellent success rate in promoting land for development.  In many cases we have also been able to identify where a site has immediate potential for making a planning application in the short term. Where this is the case we have worked with our clients to secure planning permission.  Alternatively, where the site is better suited to promotion through a local plan review (or 'Call for Sites'), we will advise you of the best way forward and provide professional guidance every step of the way. 

If you aren't sure how best to start, take a look at our site appraisal options here.

Promoting land for development…

Promoting your site is critical if you want it to be considered for future development, particularly larger sites that may be suitable for a number of new homes or new commercial developments.  Local Planning Authorities need to know that the land is available.  Otherwise, if your site is not put forward to the local planning authority to consider or it is not promoted in the right way, it is unlikely that the land will be considered at all.  Many landowners miss these time-limited opportunities to promote land. 

Timing is crucial when it comes to promoting sites, particularly because Local Plan reviews follow a strict timetable.  This is where Fytche-Taylor Planning can help you maximise your chance of success.

Land and Site Promotion in Lincolnshire
Land Allocations and Site Promotion for Local Plan Reviews

Local Plan Reviews, Call for Sites & development opportunities

Each Local Planning Authority plans for growth in their area by identifying the locations where future development will be located and deciding what scale of development best suits the site.

These become land 'allocations' and are set out in documents called Local Plans (also called ‘Core Strategies’ in some areas).  In addition to identifying development land, Local Plans set the planning policies that control development - these are effectively the rules used to decide planning applications - as well as the objectives for achieving sustainable growth. 

Land and Site Promotion in Lincoln, Lincolnshire and Nationwide

Site promotion made easy!

Promoting your site with Fytche-Taylor Planning is simple, cost-effective and reliable.  First, we will undertake a review of the site to see if it has planning potential now. If it does, we will advise you of the different options available to you to pursue planning permission.

Equally, if the site is better suited to promotion in the next local plan review, we will advise you accordingly.    Our team have considerable Planning Policy and plan-making experience, including at Head of Service level in Local Government. As such, Fytche-Taylor Planning are ideally placed to promote your land for development and can provide assistance to you wherever you are located in the UK.  Get in touch today and we will take some basic details from you to get things started and then let you know the likely consultancy fees.  

Our services are bespoke to each project; some clients will have already appointed an architect, and that’s fine too. We work in collaboration with a range of local architects and architectural designers and so where an architect is already on-board we’re very happy to work alongside them and provide support on the planning side only. 

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01522 581 383

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Fytche-Taylor Planning Ltd
Unit 5 The Quays
Burton Waters